

Negative Impact of Technology

When the radar bombers, chemical weapons, and "special forces" of affluent societies attack the poorest people in the world, their hovels, hospitals, and farmlands, the overdevelopment of science and technology is refuted. These "accidental disasters" expose the truth, tearing apart the technological veil that conceals their true power. Excessive burning and killing capabilities, along with the accompanying psychological behaviors, are byproducts of exploitative and oppressive systems of production. The more comfortable the privileged citizens are, the more the productivity develops. Today, affluent societies have shown that they are societies at war; a fact that, if their citizens have not yet noticed, their victims certainly have.

  1. Negative Impact of Technological Development: Here, it emphasizes that scientific and technological progress not only brings convenience and advancement, but also potential harm, especially in the application of military technologies such as radar bombers, chemical weapons, and special forces. This viewpoint reflects criticism of technological determinism, suggesting that technology is not only a driving force for social development but can also be a source of social problems and conflicts.

  2. Inequality and Exploitation: This passage implies global inequalities and exploitative relationships. Affluent societies, through the control and use of technology, oppress or exploit poorer countries and peoples to some extent. This reflects the criticisms of Marxism and dependency theory on the global economic system, where developed countries maintain their global dominance by controlling technology and resources.

  3. Citizen Awareness and Social Responsibility: This passage also mentions that citizens of affluent societies may not fully realize the impact of their society's actions on other countries, while the victims keenly feel it. This involves issues of citizen awareness and global responsibility, highlighting the need for citizens and societies worldwide to have a deeper understanding and sense of responsibility for the global impact of their actions in a globalized world.

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